Tuesday, October 21, 2008

GIS Beginners Class

“Let the sun shine within!”

Things you will learn:
1. Asana (being comfortable in postures)
2. Pranayama (breathworks)
3. Meditation
4. Bandha (energy locks)
5. Mudra (energy seals) and Mantra
6. Yoga Philosophy

Focus of course:
1. Able to do the Sun Salutations (and its variations)
2. Preparation series for Padmasana (final posture)
3. A few classical yoga postures

Physical Focus:
1. Cardio
2. Stretch/flexibility
3. Strength

Category & benefit of postures:
Standing poses: emotional balance & stability
Forward bends: calming, good for anxiety and stress
Back bends: stimulating, anti-depressants
Inversions: increases energy and clarity

Further Reading:
Ashtanga Yoga by David Swenson
LIVE PATANJALI! Yoga Sutra for Everyday Living by Jacqueline Koay


Standing in mountain pose, bring your hands into prayer pose. Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Take as long as you need in this pose.

Inhaling, lift your hands over your head up to the sky, extending your spine upwards.

As you exhale, swan-dive down, placing your hands on the earth with your thumbs right next to your little toes.

Inhaling, keep your hands firmly on the earth, but look up, extending your spine forwards.

Exhaling, kiss your knees.

Inhaling, step back with your left leg as far back as you can. Look up and open your chest.

Exhaling, step back your left leg into plank pose. Now move into the caterpillar pose (knees, chest and chin on the ground).

As you inhale, scoot up into the cobra pose.

Exhale into downward dog.

Lift left leg up, pointing big toe to the sky.

Put left leg down. Repeat the same for the right leg.

Come back down to downward dog.

From here, sit back into child’s pose. Relax. Stretch your arms back to lie comfortably alongside your body.

When you are ready, stretch your arms as far forward as you can.

Bring yourself up to table pose, and then downward dog.

From here, step your feet between your hands (or jump forward if you are comfortable). Kiss your knees.

With your next inhale, come to standing position, with your arms extended skywards.

Exhale your hands down to prayer pose. Feel peace descending into your heart.

Philosophy: www.livepatanjali.com

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