Thursday, October 30, 2008

Raja dinner

Four yogis continues their journey this week at the raja yoga center (and apparently need to refuel not only their souls, but also their bodies).

Four yogis has learned so far that they are shining souls, to be mindful and aware and to keep their eyes open. They are also (in picture above) contemplating vegetarianism. (Think we got a good reason yesterday after Mable's talk on animal souls and dying animal toxins!!)

Thank you fellow yogis for the journey so far and the journey ahead!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Next week's classes


  • Start with Sun Breath and Sun Salutations to warm up
  • Revisit last class's postures
  • Introduce a few new postures (as related to Sun Salutation)
  • Put all postures together into Sun Salutations
  • Cooling down poses based on padmasana preparatory steps
  • Focus is still on grounding


  • Start with basics (steps in Sun Salutations)
  • Warm up with Sun Salutations
  • Su's and Erin's vinyasa
  • Vinyasa
  • Focus is on grounding.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yogis go Raja

Yesterday was the start for a new chapter of our ttc when we went for the first session at the of Raja yoga. Personally, I had no idea what to expect but was positively surprised when we had a regular class followed by a 10-minute meditation. Not too bad for a start!
- Did we learn who we are? Perhaps not from the first class.
- Did we get better knowledge of the third eye? Definitely.
- Was there a red light? Yup! (however, not flashing in our eyes)

Session number two is tonight and I am actually looking forward to it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Poses we learned in GIS Beginners Class - Day 1 (Oct 21, 2008)

Following JK's post on the First Vinyasa ("Vinyasa" means flow of yoga poses), here's the picture of poses: (click on the photo to see larger view)

Mountain Pose (Sanskrit name: Tadasana)
Mountain Pose (Side View)
Prayer Pose

Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana)
Caterpillar Pose

Cobra Pose (Bujangasana)
Cobra Pose (side view)
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Child Pose (Balasana)
Table Pose
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Prayer Pose
This is the pose we learned as an alternative to Cobra Pose...

Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

Enjoy! :)


These guys are the Wheelies, and they are fun to teach yoga to!

Sun Yoga is not-for-profit (I make a nice amount from the yoga books I write, though) and one of my greatest joys from being Founder of Sun Yoga is giving the money we make away.

I really, really want to do something with the Wheelies, because I promised them. It's tough for the home to get money because unlike orphans, the Wheelies are not cute and cuddly.

Deepavali is coming up, and I want to put together something nice for them, especially as some of them had been abandoned by their families. Discarded just like that. Life's a bitch sometimes.

Well done!

Well done to Tony and Joanna on their first outing as paid yoga teachers. They earned RM180 for our charitable work (karma yoga).

These are the photos from my last visit to Bodhi Home. The kids here are gorgeous, and their stories heart-breaking. My daughter Katerina and her friend Crissie (both Sixth Formers at GIS) often come to teach these kids and lavish love on them.

I am going to visit them on 1st November - am buying books and provisions for them. They are so sweet! Kat almost stole one (tried to smuggle him into our car). I bought them all funky yoga mats and they love yoga now!

GIS Beginners Class

“Let the sun shine within!”

Things you will learn:
1. Asana (being comfortable in postures)
2. Pranayama (breathworks)
3. Meditation
4. Bandha (energy locks)
5. Mudra (energy seals) and Mantra
6. Yoga Philosophy

Focus of course:
1. Able to do the Sun Salutations (and its variations)
2. Preparation series for Padmasana (final posture)
3. A few classical yoga postures

Physical Focus:
1. Cardio
2. Stretch/flexibility
3. Strength

Category & benefit of postures:
Standing poses: emotional balance & stability
Forward bends: calming, good for anxiety and stress
Back bends: stimulating, anti-depressants
Inversions: increases energy and clarity

Further Reading:
Ashtanga Yoga by David Swenson
LIVE PATANJALI! Yoga Sutra for Everyday Living by Jacqueline Koay


Standing in mountain pose, bring your hands into prayer pose. Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Take as long as you need in this pose.

Inhaling, lift your hands over your head up to the sky, extending your spine upwards.

As you exhale, swan-dive down, placing your hands on the earth with your thumbs right next to your little toes.

Inhaling, keep your hands firmly on the earth, but look up, extending your spine forwards.

Exhaling, kiss your knees.

Inhaling, step back with your left leg as far back as you can. Look up and open your chest.

Exhaling, step back your left leg into plank pose. Now move into the caterpillar pose (knees, chest and chin on the ground).

As you inhale, scoot up into the cobra pose.

Exhale into downward dog.

Lift left leg up, pointing big toe to the sky.

Put left leg down. Repeat the same for the right leg.

Come back down to downward dog.

From here, sit back into child’s pose. Relax. Stretch your arms back to lie comfortably alongside your body.

When you are ready, stretch your arms as far forward as you can.

Bring yourself up to table pose, and then downward dog.

From here, step your feet between your hands (or jump forward if you are comfortable). Kiss your knees.

With your next inhale, come to standing position, with your arms extended skywards.

Exhale your hands down to prayer pose. Feel peace descending into your heart.


Monday, October 20, 2008


......only for Su. Hey, Su, I found the Kundalini Exam Papers that the trainee teachers at Universal Force in New York did. I saved them specially for you!

The rest of us will wait for you at Eco Green Cafe whilst you sweat it out. Please call to schedule date :-)

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Here's the guy who has not put his hand down for over 20 years (remember me telling you about it?).

The subtext is, what have you done with Brahma Kuamari assignment!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

aaaah, bliss....

no mosquitoes, no advertising billboard, no one selling anything, no emails, no telephone, just nature. I am not coming back!
(joking!) see you on the 21st. Glad Katya is keeping on at you!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sutras online

Hello yogis... as i mentioned on wed, take a look at this link to listen to Patanjali's Sutras.
It's very helpful on pronunciations.

Have fun ^~^

Holding Fort

It's never easy to keep going when JK's away....she is 100% high octane, raw energy. But plod on we must.

This is the link to the Mindful Bell:

Download it onto your computer, and it will remind you (subtly) to be mindful on the hour. JK's friend, Martha Lonergan of Washington DC, introduced her to it, and it has given her much. Run it, and live your yoga.



We're back! Not that we ever went away in the first place, but yesterday was our first official study group. (see picture for how HARD we studied!)

First up was the Sutra, pada 1.

And yes, the black-and-white (alternatively sepia) colored posture cards are under contruction...

Sunday, October 5, 2008



Hi, trainees

This is Katya. I am your House Mother now that JK is off on retreat. Just to remind you (gently):

1. Log your class attendance for your Techniques class each time you go

2. Prepare your basic postures card (Tony and Joanna have the photos?)

3. Go for your Raja Yoga class

4. Study for your 1-to-1 assessment

Anything else JK did not tell me about that I should know???

Hugs, KA

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kundalini Custome Goes Professional

Fezia and Elaine showing the standard 6 metres long cloth to make a turban

See, Su just enjoy it soooooooooo much!

Turban preserves yogi energy and massage cranium

... and I think it reminds us of our spiritual path too. Am I right, Santosh Kaur? :) We all feel happy for you! This photo reminds me a lovely song that JK taught ...

May the long time sun shine upon you, and everyone!

Happening Kundalini Module ...

We tried to be as "Kundalini" as best possible ...

The Yogi Mush. We had it for lunch and dinner on the first day of Kundalini module (and I had one extra for supper ... ) . I don't know how do you find about the food presentation, but eh, it's delicious! I love it. He he.

See, Yogi Mush make beauties. Just believe it!

What Erin and Su's students cooked

...not kuih raya, but healthy salads! Hey, why didn't you both bring some back to the shala for us???

Happy Raya Festival

Hey all, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!
Enjoy your holiday! :)