Sunday, November 16, 2008

Schnifoo Gurunam Singh Perry

This is Schnifoo Gurunam Singh Perry with Georgina Jean Perry. Whilst Malcolm is flying over the continents to the UK and me teaching, G stormed the neighbour's house to rescue this poor little kitten who was left to die in the sun.

It's soooo tiny, still wet, sticky, blind and has the umbilical cord attached to it. Quite yukky, even the maid won't touch it. I don't think it will last the night (there's barely any life left in it), but hopefully, with a steady diet of organic protein replacement and RaMaDaSa, it will live. Yes, we have been doing the healing mantra for Schnifoo, and I have named him after Gurunam, the best teacher in New York. Wahe Guru!


Unknown said...

Schnifoo Gurunam Singh Perry.. poor him :-( ... will pray for him too... Wish him well...

Erin said...

Well, tony n i will be doing a healthy mantra with ramadasa. So we will dedicate it to to schnifoo gurunam singh perry. Ramadasa tonight for poor kitty.