Having fun on Day Three - what is the point of doing children's yoga? To fall in love with the innocence and fun of yoga, of course, instead of getting attached to allignment and architecture, which sadly all too many of us are. Yoga is all about relearning to see your body as a playground (above).
(Below): Party time! Tossing yee sang and shouting out OM to celebrate Year of the Dragon!
(Below): A moment of seriousness and Ramesh and Kee Hooi perfect a posture. To be a yoga teacher, one does not only need to be able to do the pose, but to adjust and offer suitable variations and modifications. These cannot be taught - they need hours of exploration!
(Below): Uh, serious work on anatomy. To be able to teach intelligently and consciously, a yoga teacher must know more than postures. If students merely want a fancy demonstration, they should just pay for seats in the Chinese State Circus to watch the acrobats. so, think!
A day of spirituality in the rainforest to experience the ancient art of pranayama.
How amazing it is to see myself doing hand stand! It actually feels really good when my body going against gravity.
nice info.
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