Monday, September 5, 2011

More anatomy fun

Relating what you see in textbooks with what you see in your yoga students' bodies is a HUGE leap. So we practice on each other.


(1) Locate the landmarks: eg occipital bond and mastoid

(2) Move to activate the muscle groups you are interested in

(3) Trace the outline of the bunched up muscles.

(4) Consult a textbook (Netter's is a very good one) to see if you are on target (roughly).

Most important is, do the asana associated with the muscle group you are interested in and FEEEEEEL it.

1 comment:

Kirk P said...

I never really was all that interested in Yoga until I had to do it as part of my P90X workout. It was a grueling 90 minute routine. But I have to say that it added so much to my core balance and strength. Now I am a Yoga believer. It can be very tough, but if you take your time and work to master each move, it can be very rewarding and will help your overall athleticism. Great post and blog!