Friday, March 11, 2011

A little bit of me ....... Suesan (new trainee teacher march 2011)

My first encounter with Yoga was when I was nine. “eee…just some stretching class.. slow and boring. Like tortoise doing exercisezzz. Not interesting at all..” was my first thought. My love has always been dancing. Ballet in particular.  I practise my ballet until my early twenties. Stopped when I had to concentrate on my fashion-designing course.

Without realizing, my affinity with Yoga, I presume, has always been in me. Strangely, it was also my ballet teacher who introduced yoga to me. She started with the asanas, and along with it, the principles of yoga.  It was then that I started to fall in love with yoga.

Yoga taught me to look inward. After being too ambitious on certain poses, I suffered a bad injury on my knee. That has caused me to reflect inwards. It allows me to contemplate if it was my ego in trying to attempt every challenging pose that has resulted in my injury.

Unfortunately, other than my ego, the incident has also damaged my confidence. Though I have been practicing yoga for 7 years, my belief in my capability has never really bounced back.

I realized what my ballet teacher had taught was correct. Yoga isn’t about having ability to do challenging and compromising poses. That’s ego. Yoga is about flow and harmony. Ultimately, peace and bliss. And to be able to practise and share these is a gift from yoga.  I hope to be able to learn to share this view and energy with everyone.


Chakra 净欢 said...

hi Suesan, nice to meet u in the sahaja yoga workshop during delamay workshop, im wondering u r a dancer that day :) yes, u r. u really deal with ur ego sincerely, its wonderful! it's not wrong with ego anyway... it just appear naturally along the journey in life. when i read your comment, im thinking of the five kosha in yoga. to me, it's like the layer of onion. from outer layer, our physical body to the breathing, then come to this manamaya kosha follow by vijnanamaya kosha before we reach the anandamaya kosha (bliss). what i read your comment i relate it to the mana layer (mind) and vijnana layer (knowing). u knew it.. u KNEW your THOUGHTS. and you have the courage to admit it! this is so great in you! i hope while u r finding the path to face the KNEW egoistic in you, you may find the learning curve how to let go... we have feel graceful that the past journey that you've gone through lead u here. it still kind of blessing and u are brave. Brave doesn't mean that fear nothing; brave is when we still fear of something "mindfully" but we still deal with it, gone through it, get over it. it is a journey. bless u... namaste.

harsh said...
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