Thursday, April 29, 2010


Believe or not, it was a night of philosophy and deep conversation and, ok, un peu de vin! That's Marie-Do, Margot, Alex and I converging on Carol's to study Vedanta Philosophy with Sri Vinay Kumar. Carol has been studying with Guruji for 2 years every Wednesday night. It was a deeply interesting evening that has led me to some soul-searching questions. We talked about Destiny and Karma, two of my favourite subjects! And then Law of Causation and the Supreme Law, which appealed to the scientist in me.

Sri Vinay Kumar said "Vedanta begins where Science ends", which resonates with me, but really, the greatest piece of wisdom he gave me was "You always get what you deserve and not what you desire".

It sounds like a bad thing, right? Actually not, if you stop and think about it, and I thank Vedanta for this lesson. I have a desire which has led me to great pain and needless suffering, one which, according to Vedanta, I will never get, because we never get what we desire. But what I deserve is actually truly a blessing: five beautiful children with their wonderful father, David who showed me that impossible is nothing ten years ago (and hence the birth of Sun Yoga), Adam, Katya, and all other Sun Yogis who keep that pure love alive. From a conversation in a restaurant in Mayfair to this big loving, global family of over 500!

So I must have done good somewhere along the line to deserve all this! I continue to count my blessings from this verdant tree. Everyday, almost without exception, I get something on the email everyday from some Sun Yogi somewhere, sweet messages that lifts my soul. Today, it was from Sandra and Alverd (thank you, you both - and the 20 emails from your group!).

Counting my blessings for what I deserve, jkX


Gandalf Starfinder said...


Alle holen Sie Haupt nach E67th. Haben Sie nicht erlernt? Es ist Ihr Fate UND Destiny, da es meins ist. 10 Jahre. Sie don' t-Notwendigkeit Vedanta, weil Sie die Antwort kennen. Die Antwort ist hier. Ich wusste nicht, dass Yogis so störrisch sind!

Anonymous said...

Dear my beloved teacher,

hahahaha! 20 emails, yes!

Feel like you are removing yourself from the "invisible box" which placed in your heart all these while. Feel like you are letting go something like letting go a bird from the cage. Feel like you are finally letting go the "birds" in you. I still remember the first thing you said when we saw your birds tattoo first time during the anatomy class.

My beloved teacher, you are infact FLYING your love and spreading your blessing all these while you share your "knowings" with others, despite which part of the world. This is karma, this may be your role in this life. You are a BIRD! (but sometimes a stubborn bird lor :p) Do fly healthier and happier each and everyday!


Adam Wilkinson said...

Beloved Teacher and Friend,

What David said is correct. You are stubborn and it is time for you to come home to New York. For ten years, you have served your noble vision to the highest level but the time has come for you to serve your Self. Study Vedanta, but do it in the peace and bliss of your beloved New York or Greenwich.

I wish to meet my Teacher on the boat on Long Island Sound again, because that is when she is Truly Happy, where she finds Bliss and Freedom of the Soul.

You are the most amazing woman, Jacq, a wonderful inspiration to all of us to be better people.


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