Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sutra : Samadhipadah

1.12 abhyasavairagyabhyam tannirodhah

The mind can reach the state of yoga through practice and detachment.
Practice consistently but learn to detach in order to stop the vacillation

Artwork Illustration :

The little angel moves the second indicator that link to the minute & hour indicator (practice consistently) in order to maintain correct timing (stillness). However, the actual timing (svarupe / trueself) will run (vacillate) if the indicators cling onto each other (attachment) during the cycles.

Also, here is some personal view for sharing….

Attachment & Egoism

“love” that exists for “light”
- might lead to attachment

“light” that grows by abundance of “love that exists for light”
- might transform into egoism

Bliss & Shanti

“light” that exists for “non-attachment love”
- bliss

“love” that grows by abundance of “light that exists for non-attachment love”
- might transform into another “light that exists for non-attachment love”
- shanti

1 comment:

Alverd said...

Information overload after today Sutra class. However, it is very interesting and creative indeed.

Jc, very amazing! Thank you for the sharing.