Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sutra : Samadhipadah

1.12 abhyasavairagyabhyam tannirodhah

The mind can reach the state of yoga through practice and detachment.
Practice consistently but learn to detach in order to stop the vacillation

Artwork Illustration :

The little angel moves the second indicator that link to the minute & hour indicator (practice consistently) in order to maintain correct timing (stillness). However, the actual timing (svarupe / trueself) will run (vacillate) if the indicators cling onto each other (attachment) during the cycles.

Also, here is some personal view for sharing….

Attachment & Egoism

“love” that exists for “light”
- might lead to attachment

“light” that grows by abundance of “love that exists for light”
- might transform into egoism

Bliss & Shanti

“light” that exists for “non-attachment love”
- bliss

“love” that grows by abundance of “light that exists for non-attachment love”
- might transform into another “light that exists for non-attachment love”
- shanti

Saturday, December 12, 2009

dear cass, sandra - discussion of assignment

i will be at jb or spore from dec18-20. might be at ipoh from dec25-27 or Jan1-3, either one weekend. therefore, can we tentatively fix on one weekday iso weekend.

Physical Weaknesses - Jc

- weak arm strenght
- weak core strenght (big issue now, feel most when i was trying on those inversion poses)
- weak back muscles
- tight gracilis muscles
- tight hip rotators
- weak quadriceps
- weak ankles
- poor balancing
- weak stamina (improving now :)

Teaching analysis - Jc (source : bikram 26 poses templates)

- non-organized dialogue
- dull
- robotic
- poor english
- inappropriate time management
- no confident in class control
- nervous

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

sandra's work

analysis on teaching a class

1) the class is boring & not lively at all
2) instructions not clear
3) tone & pitch not consistent
4) not paying attention to students
5) no adjustment
6) no motivation
7) have to improve on pronunciation

Sandra's weaknesses on doing Birkam's 26 asanas

1) poor stamina
2) alignment not so good
3) unable to balance
4) not able to do certain asanas due to tight hamstring and lack of flexibility
5) need to improve on arm strength and core strength
6) also to improve on adductor and hip rotators

Cass's work

Cass's teaching Analysis :
1. Boring , unlively , dull comparing to Bikram which is lively and energetic.
2. No eye contact and communication with the student
3. No adjustment done to the students
4. Dialogue not motivating comparing to Bikram
5. Untidy appearance with hair flowing around , distracting
6. No personal character on teaching , no style.

Cass's weaknesses :
1. Improve on flexibility on adductor , hamstring, hips.
2. Build up core muscles with better abs
3. Weak arm strength
4. Need to loose fats on tummy in order to do better twisting asana

Dear Jac,
I will not be coming on 13/dec as my cousin is in town. Will try to drop by after lunch if she leaves earlier.

Please confirm timing for discussion on assignment. Other than 18/19 dec , we are free anytime.

Preet ric : I cant see u on 13/dec. Will get sandra to advise u on the pure yoga passes.

Assessment date :
Jac,  me and sandra decided to do our assessment on 23/24 Jan, 2010. Kindly let us know if this date is fine for u.

Love and peace,

Monday, December 7, 2009

200 Hours Admin

Nice photos, people....and lovely comment from Erin (very profound and deep). So the rest of you read what Erin wrote and practice Sat Nam and leave your ego (asmita) behind.

OK, for more boring stuff:

(1) Next weekend 12-13 December
We meet for Classical Hatha. So we will be putting together muscles and classical yoga postures, some yogic medical science and sutra.

This is technically the last weekend before Christmas holidays, but I would like the following:
1. meet up with you all one evening on the week of 14 December to do Bikram (again!)
2. Meet up with Lilian and Alverd for missed classes, probably two full days with Lilian and half with Alverd. Can you please co-ordinate, both of you, and give me a morning that you both are free.

(2) Outside things going on
i. Get yourself organised for Brahma Kumari
ii. Check out yoga classes for Critique
iii. Your social (Brickfields for hare Krishna and cheap CDs)

(3) Assessment
JC, Sandra, Cass and Preet: ready when you are

(4) Things I am owed:
i. Comparison of your teaching standards with other established teachers (Cass, Sandra, JC and Preet)
ii. An honest analysis of your own weakness when it comes to yoga (ALL OF YOU)
iii. Read Live Patanjali (Lilian, Gaik Pin and Alverd)
iv. Study of the rest of the sutra in pada 1 and 2 (Cass, Sandra, JC and Preet)

Jocelyn, when are you back?

Seeing that there are a lot of new faces, can you all please write a little hello on this blog so that the others will know you?
