Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sutra : Samadhipadah

1.12 abhyasavairagyabhyam tannirodhah

The mind can reach the state of yoga through practice and detachment.
Practice consistently but learn to detach in order to stop the vacillation

Artwork Illustration :

The little angel moves the second indicator that link to the minute & hour indicator (practice consistently) in order to maintain correct timing (stillness). However, the actual timing (svarupe / trueself) will run (vacillate) if the indicators cling onto each other (attachment) during the cycles.

Also, here is some personal view for sharing….

Attachment & Egoism

“love” that exists for “light”
- might lead to attachment

“light” that grows by abundance of “love that exists for light”
- might transform into egoism

Bliss & Shanti

“light” that exists for “non-attachment love”
- bliss

“love” that grows by abundance of “light that exists for non-attachment love”
- might transform into another “light that exists for non-attachment love”
- shanti

Saturday, December 12, 2009

dear cass, sandra - discussion of assignment

i will be at jb or spore from dec18-20. might be at ipoh from dec25-27 or Jan1-3, either one weekend. therefore, can we tentatively fix on one weekday iso weekend.

Physical Weaknesses - Jc

- weak arm strenght
- weak core strenght (big issue now, feel most when i was trying on those inversion poses)
- weak back muscles
- tight gracilis muscles
- tight hip rotators
- weak quadriceps
- weak ankles
- poor balancing
- weak stamina (improving now :)

Teaching analysis - Jc (source : bikram 26 poses templates)

- non-organized dialogue
- dull
- robotic
- poor english
- inappropriate time management
- no confident in class control
- nervous

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

sandra's work

analysis on teaching a class

1) the class is boring & not lively at all
2) instructions not clear
3) tone & pitch not consistent
4) not paying attention to students
5) no adjustment
6) no motivation
7) have to improve on pronunciation

Sandra's weaknesses on doing Birkam's 26 asanas

1) poor stamina
2) alignment not so good
3) unable to balance
4) not able to do certain asanas due to tight hamstring and lack of flexibility
5) need to improve on arm strength and core strength
6) also to improve on adductor and hip rotators

Cass's work

Cass's teaching Analysis :
1. Boring , unlively , dull comparing to Bikram which is lively and energetic.
2. No eye contact and communication with the student
3. No adjustment done to the students
4. Dialogue not motivating comparing to Bikram
5. Untidy appearance with hair flowing around , distracting
6. No personal character on teaching , no style.

Cass's weaknesses :
1. Improve on flexibility on adductor , hamstring, hips.
2. Build up core muscles with better abs
3. Weak arm strength
4. Need to loose fats on tummy in order to do better twisting asana

Dear Jac,
I will not be coming on 13/dec as my cousin is in town. Will try to drop by after lunch if she leaves earlier.

Please confirm timing for discussion on assignment. Other than 18/19 dec , we are free anytime.

Preet ric : I cant see u on 13/dec. Will get sandra to advise u on the pure yoga passes.

Assessment date :
Jac,  me and sandra decided to do our assessment on 23/24 Jan, 2010. Kindly let us know if this date is fine for u.

Love and peace,

Monday, December 7, 2009

200 Hours Admin

Nice photos, people....and lovely comment from Erin (very profound and deep). So the rest of you read what Erin wrote and practice Sat Nam and leave your ego (asmita) behind.

OK, for more boring stuff:

(1) Next weekend 12-13 December
We meet for Classical Hatha. So we will be putting together muscles and classical yoga postures, some yogic medical science and sutra.

This is technically the last weekend before Christmas holidays, but I would like the following:
1. meet up with you all one evening on the week of 14 December to do Bikram (again!)
2. Meet up with Lilian and Alverd for missed classes, probably two full days with Lilian and half with Alverd. Can you please co-ordinate, both of you, and give me a morning that you both are free.

(2) Outside things going on
i. Get yourself organised for Brahma Kumari
ii. Check out yoga classes for Critique
iii. Your social (Brickfields for hare Krishna and cheap CDs)

(3) Assessment
JC, Sandra, Cass and Preet: ready when you are

(4) Things I am owed:
i. Comparison of your teaching standards with other established teachers (Cass, Sandra, JC and Preet)
ii. An honest analysis of your own weakness when it comes to yoga (ALL OF YOU)
iii. Read Live Patanjali (Lilian, Gaik Pin and Alverd)
iv. Study of the rest of the sutra in pada 1 and 2 (Cass, Sandra, JC and Preet)

Jocelyn, when are you back?

Seeing that there are a lot of new faces, can you all please write a little hello on this blog so that the others will know you?


Thursday, November 12, 2009

my first " Padmasana " !!!!!

I know this sounds a bit funny to those that naturally can do it and to those that already can do it. But, I am really very very very happy yesterday evening(11Nov2009) when I finally did it. This is not the perfect one but this is FIRST padmasana in my life ^_^
let us keep practising! staying alive! Namaste!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Questions answered while sitting in today's TTC

I am glad that I get to sit in today's TTC with JK and the trainees. Feels like old time once again. It helps answered some questions that I have been asking myself. The topic today were the type of Kundalini teachers.

I have been questioning my teaching. I know my limitation as I am unable to teach anything hardcore or complicated asanas. Although yoga isn't all about asanas, but I feel compel to push myself to be able to do all that as I feel I should do more.

`Learning complicated asanas will come at my own time and at my own pace.

`There is much to gain from feedback

`Be who I am, not who I think I should be.

So when I left shala, I was feeling lighter. Thank you, thank you :*

Preet & Jc as at 07-Nov-2009

this is the day whereby our teacher "CABUT"!!! well... because we are lateeeeeeee.... sorry.... we take it for granted that it should start at 10am :p
here's our "sincere photoshot" after we do some revision on samkhya philosophy, sutra and practicum (only on surya namaskar A&B :-)

PREEEEEEEEEET! Don't forget to BREATHEEEEEEEEEE!!!! pleaseeeeeee.....

hmmmm... am i resting my hand on my knee??? we shouldn't do that right?? because it will hurt our knee...

i think the day for my ring to reach the floor coming soon... then follow by my heart ^_^

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My first day teaching kids yoga :)

First of all , will like to thank Sun Yoga . Thank u ( Jac , indra, erin ) for sharing the experience and knowledge with me. Indra , thanks so much in introducing me to B yoga and other yoga center on order for me to start off journey in teaching and sharing yoga with all. I am touched with the support and encouragement that all of you have given me , and trusting me.

My first class went on smoothly and it was a good class. It was challenging teaching kids , but i guess i made it . There are more to learn along the journey , but i believe i will be able to bring joy and peace to their life :). 


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cassandra & Sandra only free on 31/10 morning session (as they are going to replace a KID'S YOGA CLASS at Kepong ^_^ and I might start in Dec.. will have to call the person incharged again :) Added Sandra need to go back to home town on 01/11 too. if the class still on, can I suggest to do the physiology that I missed out few weeks back....jc
hi! Jac,
just want to re-confirm teaching methodology class on 31/10 & 01/11. is it still on??

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gayatri Mantra

Came across Gayatri Mantra chant by Deva Premal ... I love it!
I play the chant in the background while reading 'Live Patanjali'. :-)

This is the "lyric-version" for your convenience while learn to "sing" along:
Aum-Bhoor Bhuwah-Swaha
Tat-Sa-Vitur Vare-n-yam
Bhargo-Deva-Sya Dhee-Mahi
Dhiyo-yo Na-ha Pra-cho-dayat
"May the Ultimate Wisdom illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path" - "Live Patahjali" by Jacqueline Koay (pg. 153)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Daily Cooking now for 30 days challengers!

It feels so bizzare to me now when I started cooking for others. But it is so much fun now...thanks for enjoying the food.

Chickpea and Olive salad on mix lettuce and watercress

200gr chickpeas
50gr pitted black or green olives, slice it
150gr cherry tomatoes, halved
3 tbsp chopped parsley
50gr watercress and mix lettuce to serve

1 garlic clove, crushed and chopped
100gr natural yogurt
Juice of ½ lime

To make dressing, mix together the garlic, yogurt and lime juice in a small bowl. Season with pepper.

Mix together the chickpeas, olives, tomatoes and parsley in a large bowl, add the dressing to the chickpea mixture and toss well to coat evenly/ serve the salad on a bed of watercress and mix lettuce.

Serves: 4

Enjoy it...and if you would love to have this as well, we are making this every Thursday AM and PM :)

Support your practice from the food you put into your system and mind....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Photos from demo class

In utkatasana, the quadriceps are strengthened (this is one of the most under-utilised muscles!). The back muscles are also strengthened. The focus is on dropping the tailbone to the earth and keeping the back long.

In this modified bhujangasana, the focus is on strengthening the back muscles, in particular, the erector spinae. The hands on the gluteus focus the attention on engaging the legs and lifting of the torso with the back muscles rather than pushing up with the hands.

The strong back muscles are for balancing out the strengthening of the rectus muscles of the front ('six pack'!).

Monday, September 28, 2009

Timetable for Teacher Training

3rd - 4th October
Sun Yoga Kids

10th, 11th and 12th October
Anatomy & Physiology

17th - 18th October
Hatha Yoga
(with Tony Wong - revision of Sutra, Sun Salutation and classical postures)

31st October - 1st November
Foundation Module: Teaching Methodology (YogaSense, key adjustments, safety)

7th - 8th November
Foundation Module: continuation

14th - 15th November
Foundaiton Module: wrap-up
(NOT for Jesy, Cass and Sandra)

21st - 22nd November (tentative)
Kundalini Module

28th - 29th November (tentative)

Please note that you should expect to spend at least 1-2 evenings per week at Sun Yoga either in Techniques classes (you need to chalk up 10) or starting your Practicum.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When is Prenatal Course?


Just wanna check on the dates for Prenatal course. Need to make some dorm arrangement. Thanks :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

alright, noted. we will work on it, no worry...
u all take care.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

We can reschedule. I want you people to get the Foundations solid first.

Well done for doing two classes back to back yesterday. YOU MUST IMPROVE YOUR FITNESS, all of you. You have to be physically fit to teach, and that means putting in practice time!

TTC 2009

Hi! Jac,
did we missed out "Lifestyle & Ethics"? initially, it was scheduled on Sep12-13.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tentative dates for 200 Hours Module

October 3rd and 4th
Sun Yoga Kids

October 10th, 11th and 12th
Foundation 1 (Anatomy & Physiology and Yoga Sutra)

October 24th and 25th
Basic Hatha and Yoga Sutra

November 21st and 22nd
Foundation 2 (Teaching Methodology and Yoga Sutra)

Please note that in the meantime, you are expected to come in for 10 Techniques classes in the evenings (as well as do your assigned project).

Tip rated by YouTube!

Keep watching (and forward this YouTube) to family and friends! On the 24th August, we reached #65 under the Top UK Education category (it's at #80 now).

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Photos from this weekend's anatomy module:

Tony (last batch's star student) explaining the intricacies of the acetabulum and femoral head.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Dear All ,

Next meeting date will be on 19 Aug, 09 @ sun yoga instead of 18 Aug, 09.

Jessy if u are reading this, please confirm if u are available.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Next meet up - 18 Aug,09.7pm @ sun yoga

Dear Girls ...

we shall meet up again on coming Tuesday, 7pm. We will be discussing the past chapters and also help each other on asanas.

I will be recover by then , i am getting better now :)

So, remember to do the 5 poses everyday ya!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Children's Yoga at an orphanage


Dear friends,
this is a programme called DuniaKU, targeted to mid and lower income group of community in the society. what it does is, providing kids with programme that they couldn't afford such as art and yoga class. We believe (me and other mentors appointed), that children are the agent of change in the society. they learn how to make a change. Therefore when i was approached to join this programme, I was honoured, especially when the person in charge, Mr Sha'in, mentioned that Yoga will be the base programme(foundation values), I was jumping inside me.

The 1st pilot programme will be started very soon, like tomorrow! to an orphanage home in Old Klang Road called Pure Life Society. the place is huge with a beautiful garden and I can see kids are having fun doing yoga and making connection to the nature. they could get back to their inner life and soul with yoga...after whatever they have through.

Having said that, I m now in Indonesia for my family gathering, therefore I couldn't start tomorrow with kids. Thanks to myh lovely friend Delphine with love and her patient, she will lead the 1st and hopefully the 2nd session too (as I will be away to penang for yoga workshop next week). She needs helper at least 2 persons to help her with 37 kids over there. I really wish whoever read this message can help her. the session wil start 5-630pm.

Please get in touch with me to my mobile 016 3614 888 and i can direct you to Delphine to arrange where to meet etc. if you can't help, pls try to think who might be able too.

thanks and i really appreciate your help.

FYI, for helping, you will also get paid.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thursday class

ladies, you have a class on Thursday with Lily on Yin Yoga. I am sorry I can't make it - Malcolm flies to England on Friday and I have lots of family things to do on Thursday night.

Go for the class, and we can catch up next week, when Jesy is back from Ipoh.

Love you all!


Dr. Jac will confirm if she is meeting us tomorrow.

If there is nothing on this blog on tomorrow's confirmation , me and sandra will be attending sat morning yoga class at 9am.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Journey to explore starts from daily life....

I feel gratitude and happy about what is happening here. I would really wanted to say thank you to all of you that I met here @ Sunyoga. Ya, including the kids too (^_^) It's amazing! Such a good way to educate them beside text book. It's so comfortable, feel warm. We (sandra, cassandra and jc) started our journey to explore the philosophy of yoga yesterday. I felt good though its a long driving route that tooks me about 3 hrs yesterday (both way). I think the other two girls felt the same way I felt too. Initially we've scratched our head over the relation between Prakriti and Purusha as well as Prana. However, it was really fun as this is sort of learning of knowledge (jnana). I was chanting on my way home yesterday when i trapped in a terribly bad traffic jam (dare not to tell anyone except those from Sun Yoga "here"). Only today then I knew that "both sandra" did the same thing too ^_^

atha yoganusasanam


Journey to explore starts from daily life....every single second, every single minute, be gratitute, treasure what we have now and what we had before and don't forget to embrace for all the uncertainty in life with love....

Welcome on board to TTC 2009!

So Let me start the ball rolling!

I'm so happy to meet JK and her new trainees Jeci, Preet, Sandra and Cassandra on yerterday, the first day of TTC 2009 in the shala! Also the miss energetic Indra, and serene Erin!

Erin and I have agreed that the new batch TTC 2009 made us really miss our "old time" (the TTC 2008). Jo and Su, the Paschinottanasana incident, Brahma Kumaris visits (Who are You!?), sacred bowl and real muscle study in UM, get-together, funs, laugters and challenges with life & assignments..... and many more! That's all the great memories we have.

Ok, old timer's story apart. He he. For our new friends out there, please rest assured that you will have your very own and wonderful version! And your journey has started! I am just soooo happy for you all! :-D

Have fun!



I started my first hours of the course with JK in July on the intro and philosophy. I attended the class without knowing what exactly to expect with TTC. However it was a real eye opener when we started to go into the nitty gritty of the philosophy of yoga. I love it! Makes me more aware of what yoga is all about. Also, did a couple of hours with Indra's class and it was a good session too. So I am really looking forward to joining you guys with the TTC course.

Have a good time with your course and we will meet soon!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Back awareness workshop photos!

Here are some pics from the back awareness workshop at SunYoga. Note how amazingly straight everyone was sitting... =)

Yoga Cards


The yoga cards are almost finished (thanks JK for a kick in the butt to get these sorted out!)and it is time for you to decide how many packs of cards you want to get. Use in your classes, sell to your students, create vinyasas or practice with the cards at home - these cards are good for almost everything!

GIS Staff Yoga Class

We now have two yoga classes for GIS staff, the proceeds of which go to a Pure Lotus hospice. I will be away a fair bit, and I would be grateful if one of you TTCs would step in whenever you can on these dates (please let me know):

Tues 3rd Feb @ 4.30pm
Fri 6th Feb @ 2.30pm
Tues 10th Feb @ 4.30pm
Fri 13th feb @ 2.30pm
Tues 24th Feb @ 4.30pm
Fri 27th Feb @ 2.30pm

Tues 17th Mar @ 4.30pm
Fri 20th Mar @ 2.30pm
Tues 24th Mar @ 4.30pm
Fri 27th Mar @ 2.30pm
Tues 31st Mar @ 4.30pm
Fri 3rd Apr @ 2.30pm
Tues 7 Apr @ 4.30m
Fri 10th Apr @ 2.30pm
Tues 14 Apr @ 4.30pm

If you have any other charity you would like to dedicate income from this class to, please let your students know where their fee is going. Good karma yoga!


Congratulations Joanna

For a lovely workshop on the back. My spy (paying participant) said she enjoyed it very much and learned so much.

That's what I like to see ;-)
