Thursday, April 29, 2010

Vedanta part 2

Poster on the wall of Sun Yoga KL:
Sweet, strong words from my three Sun Yoga men re my previous Vedanta posting!

I have been studying more (Patanjali, who else!) and spending time contemplating and meditating. You know, when I was sick, I was studying another kind of Patanjali :-). Try comtemplating and meditating on this:

the beautiful the frozen
hour of our other lie
temple lost music
just later from
shouting while
in doomed nothingness

Sometimes, it's beauty is so poignant that it takes my breath away.


Believe or not, it was a night of philosophy and deep conversation and, ok, un peu de vin! That's Marie-Do, Margot, Alex and I converging on Carol's to study Vedanta Philosophy with Sri Vinay Kumar. Carol has been studying with Guruji for 2 years every Wednesday night. It was a deeply interesting evening that has led me to some soul-searching questions. We talked about Destiny and Karma, two of my favourite subjects! And then Law of Causation and the Supreme Law, which appealed to the scientist in me.

Sri Vinay Kumar said "Vedanta begins where Science ends", which resonates with me, but really, the greatest piece of wisdom he gave me was "You always get what you deserve and not what you desire".

It sounds like a bad thing, right? Actually not, if you stop and think about it, and I thank Vedanta for this lesson. I have a desire which has led me to great pain and needless suffering, one which, according to Vedanta, I will never get, because we never get what we desire. But what I deserve is actually truly a blessing: five beautiful children with their wonderful father, David who showed me that impossible is nothing ten years ago (and hence the birth of Sun Yoga), Adam, Katya, and all other Sun Yogis who keep that pure love alive. From a conversation in a restaurant in Mayfair to this big loving, global family of over 500!

So I must have done good somewhere along the line to deserve all this! I continue to count my blessings from this verdant tree. Everyday, almost without exception, I get something on the email everyday from some Sun Yogi somewhere, sweet messages that lifts my soul. Today, it was from Sandra and Alverd (thank you, you both - and the 20 emails from your group!).

Counting my blessings for what I deserve, jkX


Iyengar Yoga

Hey, Zerina, you frightened us Ashtanga yogis with your stunt. X

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Margot's gâteau de chocolat. Hey Alex, we are waiting for your tarte tartin.

Family Day at Sun Yoga

Fun was had by all, especially Carol and crew! (well, I had a good time!)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

backbending asanas

Does anyone have any experienced techniques to share in backbending asanas for both seated and standing series? Is it due to tightness of pectoralis major, rectus abdominis and psoas muscle? Or could it be the tightness in hip and quadriceps muscle?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Amazing Yoga Mind Maps

These were made by Alverd, and yes, they did help him pass his Anatomy & Physiology with flying colours! Hey Alverd, what about a Sutra and Philosophy one????????????

Monday, April 12, 2010

200 Hours Timetable

The next instalments:

14th, 15th and 16th April (9.00am - 5.00pm)
Sanskrit and Philosophy

17th and 18th April (9.00am - 5.00pm)

20th, 21st and 22nd April (9.00am - 5.00pm)
Classical Hatha

Weds 22nd April (2.00pm - 4.00pm)
Sun Yoga Kids praticum at Garden International School

26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th (8.00am - 12.30pm)
Contemporary & Kundalini Yoga

3rd - 4th may (9.00am-5.00pm)
Foundation 3: Preparing to teach

Attend regular yoga classes
Brahma Kumari
Wrap up anatomy

Preparing to teach
Class critique

Anatomy & Physiology

Congratulations to Fion, Raymond, Angeline and Lily for surviving three days of quadratus lumborum, iliocostalis, longissimus, etc.....the work is not over yet....

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Karma Yoga

Jesy and I went shopping to buy food for old folks home and orphanage. She told me not to buy Ginger and Mint Tea or mango tea for old folks, but I sneaked in Ferero Roche for the kids :-)


Here we go, another year, another batch! Mr Sun Yoga this weekend was Raymond - gorgeous bod, but his scapulae are not symmetrical.....otherwise perfect, and we had fun (and the usual headache with latin names). Well done, people

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Congratulate to all my coursemate. OOOOOMMMMMMMMM i must be very cool now. when is my turn ?????? OM

Jac I will have to arrange to see you one of this weekday too because I need to pass u a card together with some last year (sorry.... so late) x'mas gifts too for the home. The card were the wishes that I collected from the kids of my first yoga kid class (replacement only :) The souvenirs (most of it are key chain. I think they will like it to be put on their bags :) were collected from my ex-colleagues before I left the company. I put them separately into some gift bags. So, if we can make it in the evening then we do the groceries also, if not see who can help for the groceries ok??

Gaik Pin's Anatomy & Physiology 4th & 5th April

Photo captions:
(1) After passing, Miss Ong here is seen sweeping the shala floor as her karma yoga
(2) Her face immediately after being informed that she passed after 2 days
(3) Alverd's Mind map which she was studying right till the end
(4) A stressed out Gaik Pin at halfway stage.
Well done, Gaik Pin. Now can I have people ready for Sutra and Philosophy!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hi. this is JK. I'm excited to be starting again with my new group, but I want to take a moment to reflect on the Sun Yogis in my life far away in the US but always in my heart, who gave so much to me. See you in May!

200 Hours Timetable

Hi, this is Katya, your yoga mamma.

I propose the following dates and times:

APRIL 10th, 11th and 12th (9am - 5pm)
for Foundation 1 (Anatomy & Physiology)

APRIL 14th, 15th and 16th (9am-5pm)
for Foundation 2 (Sutra and Physiology)

APRIL 17th, 18th (9am- 5pm)
Sun Yoga Kids

20th, 21st and 22nd (9am - 5pm)
Classical hatha yoga

You all should bring your diary and fine-tune the dates.